Battle the oncoming Alien Invasion of Earth in this epic racer to rescue your beloved pet Octopus Fluffy and escape. Mad Day is a combination of an awesome racing and alien shooting game. Upgrade your Car, Guns, Armor, Clothing and more to beat the bad guys. Take on the aliens lasers and blasters with your own trucks rocket launcher as you climb hills and smash through walls. Then start running on foot with your shotgun, killing and smashing aliens.
Brick Out Game
Snow Plow Jeep Simulator
BTS Dinosaur Coloring Book
FZ Ball Hopper
Stone Merge
Tomato Explosion
Unpark Me
Winter Frozen
Jumping Bouncy Ball GM
Lone Pistol : Zombies in the Streets
Bingo Pop
Jump Box Ninja
Airplane Fight
Rise Egg Up
Bear Adventure
Kinder Egg Surprise
Dead Zombie Hunting
Crazy Mexican Coloring Book
Bounce Ball
Grate Cut Slice
Paper Monster Truck Race
Hoho's Burger Stacko
Flying Santa Gifts
Word Search
EG Hot Jewels
Sweets Match 3
Queen Mal Mistress of Evil
Candy Xmas